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  • karen horst cobb: Meditation: All That Can be Shaken

    Monday, March 05, 2007

    Meditation: All That Can be Shaken

    Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire” Hebrews 12:28

    Christianity is under investigation. Months ago the intriguing novel “The De Vinci Code” was at the top of the best sellers list and more recently the movie gained a lot of media attention. This week the morning news reported that the remains of Jesus were exhumed from an ancient tomb. Also found there were the bones of Mary Magdalene and a young child named Judah who is believed to be the son of Jesus. Main stream theologians refute the “evidence.” Rather than nervously reciting the Christian confession of faith we can continue to live out the teachings of Jesus in confidence, unshaken.

    It seems that all that can be shaken is being shaken. Television and radio commentators discuss what it means for Christianity if the scientists are correct. They imagine either the destruction of the Christian faith or willful dismissal of scientific evidence. These are not the only ways of responding. The church (committed believers) can have a firm foundation which can not be shaken. As long as we live out the words and teachings of Jesus he remains alive.

    The shaking which is occurring within the church is shaking away all that is not eternal. Like dry bones in dusty graves much theology is lifeless and fragile. Those who have focused on Christian magic for salvation can easily be devastated by scientific and historical investigation. When we focus on the words, teachings and example of Jesus we remain unshaken. No matter what “evidence” arises we can know the truth of living the sermon on the mount and continue to impact the world for good.

    There is no evidence which can dissuade us from what we experience and what we see demonstrated in our lives. Just because we now know the physics of a rainbow does not mean it is not a promise or a reminder of God’s love. As followers of the teachings of Jesus we never need to fear the questions or respond defensively. Those who focus on the magical Jesus tend to become defensive and fearful of scientific investigation. But we know and have evidence that Jesus is alive on the earth today. He is alive in us.

    Jesus was never to be part of religious craft to conjure up an eternal spell. Instead, he taught and demonstrated character traits which save. He is the son of God and he explained that we are his brothers and sisters if we live by his principles of love, compassion and surrender.
    No matter whose dry bones are found in the desert we know that Jesus is alive. His spirit is a consuming fire which transforms the heart and his example lived out today transforms the world.

    Prayer: We worship the meaning of your word with reverence and awe knowing that you are the consuming passionate fire. As that which can be shaken is shaken, let us remain secure in the wisdom of your loving words.

    Action: Make plans to join with us on March 16th in Washington to demonstrate to the world that we believe Jesus is alive and his teachings are as needed to day as they were when he addressed the Sanhedrin.


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