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  • karen horst cobb: July 2006

    Monday, July 31, 2006

    Article- WWIII: Whose Side are You On

    They may have been hit by an Israeli bomb, but they are victims of the Hezbollah. We have to create a reality where those Lebanese children would have been at school today instead of being sheltered and held hostage in that building, and where Israeli children in Shemona could go to school without fear of Katyusha rockets. It is our enemies who specifically target women and children, and when we do it, we apologize. (Dan Gillerman Israeli ambassador to the UN -Sunday on Meet the Press)

    What I heard Mr. Gellerman say in response to the killing of the children of Qana was similar to the words of other abusers.
    It isn’t my fault I beat my wife. She was asking for it … s he never knows when to shut up. Anyway I am not an abuser because I always apologize afterward . As far as the rape? Well, she was asking for it because of the way she looks .
    This is a more easily accessible framing of the forces of evil unleashed in the world. “WW III” is a world war on children and the citizen soldiers in all locations conduct the psy-ops propaganda using blame, excuses and the insistence that the world remain impotent silent witnesses of religious and state sponsored terrorism.

    The “precision guided missile” found it’s target just like the manufacturer promised. It was launched by Israel with precision, satellite intelligence, and forethought but the ambassador explained it wasn‘t their fault. Another precisely guided missile hit the UN target a few days earlier killing four innocent peacemakers who had called all day to report their location was being targeted. Sunday’s target was a house where poor children and their families huddled in fear. How can the world be manipulated to support more killing of innocent people and refuse to hold the perpetrators responsible in the court of public opinion.

    The US Republicans and Democrats both of whom claim that taking responsibility is a a core value of their party refuse to speak out. Sunday July 30th 2006 I decided whose side I will be on in “World War III“. It became crystal clear. I am on the side of the Children! I am on the side of all children EVERYWHERE! This politically motivated World War III is a war on Children.

    As an ambassador for the children I would like to negotiate a ceasefire. It might not be lasting in your frame of reference, it might not be strategic, but if it lasts 6 months that will be half the lifetime of the youngest one who was killed on Sunday. If it lasts four weeks it will be the entire lifetime of the one month old lying in the morgue. It might give some older children a few more weeks to play another game with their cousins, or celebrate one more birthday or learn their multiplication tables all the way up to the twelve’s.

    As an ambassador to the world’s children I want to begin by clearly defining the meaning of the word child. Child: a viable maturing fetus living outside of a womb. Perhaps this clarification will cause Christians in the US to value these little human lives whom Jesus referred to as the least of these among us. After all, it was weapons and weapon technology of the US purchased by the tax payers and gifted to Israel which killed the children of Qana this Sunday. Qana the place where we are told Jesus turned water into wine.

    The repetitive drip of the media faucet reminds us that Israel has a right to defend herself. If one follows that reasoning then the people of Lebanon now also have the right to defend themselves. If Lebanon has the obligation to disarm Hezbollah then it stands to reason that the US has the obligation to disarms its' contract military in Iraq. They are not official members of the US military but are a violent group who are part of an ancient religious sect who worships the god mammon. This logic also would conclude that the US is obligated disarm all the members of the NRA if our nation is every invaded and occupied.

    If the definition of a terrorist is one who targets civilians to create terror then the “shock and awe” perpetrated on Iraq was also an act of terrorism. The daily military activity over Palestine, sonic booms in the middle of the night, and the ominous presence of the heavily armed guards who stand at the checkpoints in the prison known as Gaza is also terrorism. Some can argue that all forms of sanctions which deny food, water, power, and medical care to children are a designed to terrorize the innocent. Some is sponsored by the state and some is sponsored by individuals and rogue militia who are desperate. In Israel this logic would extend to the well-organized group of settlers who dress in black with ski masks and use wooden clubs, chains and rocks to harass Palestinian children on their way to school while the military stands by and does nothing. Recently two members of the Christian peacemaker team who escort the children to school to protect them and offer themselves has human shields were severely beaten in the village of Al-Tuwani in the southern Hebron hills. The police did nothing, the military did nothing and the militia remains to target and terrorize Palestinian children in the future.

    In the US the “potential child” the size of the dot at the end of a sentence was protected by the US government last week supposedly by moral Christian republicans. Yet this same lobby denies the call for a ceasefire because it will not be a “lasting” solution. Life is filled with temporary solutions because we are mortal. Life is temporary. The behaviors of the abuser are well known. There are cycles of abuse and profuse lame apologies accompanied by self justifying explanations of why the victim “deserved” it. In the case of Israel and Lebanon we have the US playing the role of the family friend who turns his back and bites his lower lip waiting for the thug to finish his violence. It is similar to the “brown shirts” who kicked and beat an innocent person while a conflicted comrade turned his back. Or perhaps also like the loan shark who has his underling break the knees of a debtor while he enjoys a peaceful dinner with his family.

    Jesus explained that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. (politics and land holders). And spiritual wickedness in high places (political/religious leaders controlled by lust and covetousness). The nature of evil is to dominate, control and possess. There is the test for exposing the evil nature of the abusive spouse as well as abusive national leaders. The test questions are: Does this entity seek to dominate? Does this entity seek to control ? Does this entity seek to possess ?

    As an ambassador for the children I implore all kind people in all countries to take the side of the children in WWIII. The Lebanese children, the Iraqi children, the Israeli children, and the children of the Sudan and all other regions where children are being killed and wounded by those who worship power. No religion supports the murder of children except for those who openly worship evil. If Judaism worships an honorable and just God and the Torah teaches righteousness then prove it by your actions. If Islam means peace and a commitment to social justice then prove it by your actions. If Jesus is the Messiah with good news based on grace then prove it by your actions. If religions of the world must engage in competition let them compete in outdoing each other in acts of kindness toward children.

    God creates, builds, sustains, regenerates but men are addicted to destruction. In the past men fought the battles with similar weapons. The winner of the competition won the spoils. Today however the men use women and children and disproportionate weaponry. Israel and the US have hundreds of thousands of the most advanced weapons while their opponents have home-made explosives and suicide bombs. If Israeli men and men from the surrounding areas and men from the United States want to continue competing for land and security and use the power of their religious leaders let them do it away from the children. In satire I might suggest a designated area of land set aside for military men and religious leaders to carry out their ineffective violent problem solving . As the male descendents of Ishmael and Isaac wrestle over who daddy god likes best, the women and children are left in peaceful areas where they are free to pray, worship, learn grow, dance, and create. The sign of an internationally accepted demilitarized zone is the presence of a child.

    As the ambassador for the children of the world I beg all men to put aside their vengeance, desire for land, and score cards of righteousness. A war on children has been declared. Thousands each day in the world are aborted from the earth. On Sunday many very very late term abortions occurred and US Christians for the most part remained silent. Israeli children sitting in a café may be blown to bits. The lives of Arab and Persian children appear to be of little regard to those who give the commands and carry out orders. People who consider themselves kind do nothing, turn their backs, go shopping and remain silent. Jesus said “a child shall lead them” he also explained that unless you become as little children you can not enter the kingdom of heaven.

    Let it be on earth as it is in heaven is my prayer. Immediately After 911 many agreed with the sentiment we are all American’s now. Many American politicians agree with the often repeated sentiment we are all Israelis now. The global cry of all kind people in Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, United States and all other nations of the world can instead be we are all children now!

    As an ambassador for the children I call for a permanent ceasefire and an immediate end to the war on children. Blessed are the peacemakers let us boldly stand together for the innocents.

    Authors comment: I went on record Oct 25, 2004 as one who is No Longer a Christian due to the substituted GI- Joe Jesus for the Prince of Peace who delivered the Sermon on the Mount. I am a member of the “church in exile.” I can not worship at any church which does not actively oppose the killing of children. With this article I now pledge my allegiance and declare my primary citizenship to the Kingdom of Heaven. My religion has been stolen and increasingly I am becoming a refugee in America as the Constitution is replaced with Imperial power and the Bill of Rights is erased. If I am to remain ethical and committed to kindness I must be willing to stand alone. I know there are many others who are standing alone.

    Thursday, July 13, 2006

    Meditation: Distractions

    Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:33

    A pleasant young couple with many friends decided to have a fancy dinner party. The announcements arrived in plenty of time. The hosts were thrilled to share their home and this extravagant gourmet dinner. They spent hours scrubbing, polishing, shopping, chopping, sautéing, roasting, and decorating. There was no expense spared on the event. Fine cheeses, wine, multiple side dishes, succulent fruits, a beef Wellington that was as much a work of art as it was the main course. For desert there was crème brulee and a crowing tiramisu. Every thing was ready and it was exquisite, A lavish labor of love! At the last minute, one by one, the guests each began to call with their excuses.

    The first one said, “We would love to come but our real estate agent called and told us that our loan was approved. We want to drive out to the house again and look in the windows to figure out where we’ll place our new furniture. You are such a darling to invite us but we’ll have to take a rain check.”

    The second guest called and said ,“I just picked up my new Mazda miata (it’s loaded) I was planning to drive around tonight and see how it handles in traffic. It would be great to come to your party but I really want to try this thing out I‘m sure you can understand that. Talk to you later.”

    The third couple called and said, “We were going to come but since we’re still sort of newlyweds we decided to stay home and watch a movie. Sorry we didn’t call you sooner I hope it‘s not a problem.”

    The young couple gazed at all the gorgeous food they had worked so hard to prepare. They were sad and angry at their friend’s indifference Refusing to let the evening be ruined, they went out into the street in front of their townhouse and around the corner to the Jiffy Mart and invited all the homeless people who hung around by the dumpster. Many of them had special needs due to their extreme mental and physical disabilities. They brought them back to their home (which wasn’t an easy thing to do). Then they realized that there was still lots of room so they went out again . This time they went further down the street to the freeway bridge and encouraged everyone to come. Everyone was blessed.

    After the party the couple reasoned that never again would they invite the first three guests because they were just “too self absorbed ” and not really good friends. Luke 14:13 explains “when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind.” not those who can pay you back.

    The young couple’s busy friends were each focused on planning their own futures; a dream of a better house, a fancier car, or a new romance. The scripture continues to explain that neither father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, or even our own life should prevent us from following the example of Christ on the earth. We each must take risks of rejection (take up our cross) in humility. Count the cost of kingdom citizenship. It requires commitment !

    Whose are you? What are the things you spend your time and energies on? What are the things which form your identity? What holds you back from taking bold action? Do you fear rejection, gossip, poverty, ridicule, or abandonment?

    “So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.”

    Prayer: Rescuer of broken souls like mine, forgive me for false identities and tsocial status. May I not be defined by my possessions or not even by my family heritage. May I find my identity in your loving grace alone. I acknowledge my humanity and the common bond I have with those who are in need. May I share of myself and my resources with the “least of these“. Enlarge my circle of love. Amen

    Action: Invite someone to dinner whom you might not normally invite because of their social class or infirmity. Or, spend some time talking to a homeless person this week and listen with an open heart to what they have to say. -Take a risk.

    Friday, July 07, 2006

    Meditation: Itchng Ears

    I solemnly urge you: proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths. 2 Timothy 4:1-4. See also 3:1-5

    Itching and scratching is the path to power. Religious leaders and political leaders have always appealed to the desires of the people. Many believe we are living in the last days but we all agree these are perilous times.

    The religious “teachers” among us are no longer our local ministers but are mega church leaders, and political operatives who use the name Christian on TV and radio to support their national goals. Jerry Fallwell has said regarding terrorists “blow them all away in the name of the Lord” Pat Robertson has called for the assassination of Venezuela’s democratically elected Hugo Chavez. And Joseph Farrah on the Christian News Network said last year “I will dedicate the next four years of my life to totally destroying Hillary Clinton.”

    We have been told that there is a war on Christians but I contend there is a war for the hearts and minds of Christians. Sadly that is one war which has been going well.

    I receive many forwarded e-mail messages from well meaning Christians. The topics are always the same: The poor are lazy, liberals want to destroy our nation, our founding fathers wanted our country to be completely Christian, Muslims and others are evil and we are good. Many slander people in the public eye such as Cindy Sheehan, or other peace activists and opposing political candidates. As the election in November nears, the messages and their vitriol will increase. No matter what political views one holds these are not the values of Christ.

    Prayer: Help me to be persistent as I stand for the sound doctrine of love, compassion and sacrifice which you taught through Jesus your son. Help me never to seek relief of my fears or justification for my lifestyle from false teachers. May I always seek the truth and be willing to convince, rebuke and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to remain faithful to you. -Amen

    commit yourself seeking truth in the words and teachings of Jesus by reading the words in red. (Do you have a red letter Bible?)
    Inform yourself about the truth so you can be as wise as a serpent but as gentle as a dove. Research e-mail messages designed to manipulate the deceive. http://www.snopes.com/religion/religion.asp is a good place to start.
    Speak truth.